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Ch. Graine de Beaute Choc des Hauts d’Alsace & Thurbajen’s Just Jesting


HD ED Diagnose Zahnstatus Prüfungen Sonstiges
Chocomotions Absolutely Anything B2/E 0/0 P4 u.r.&u.l. WeT verstorben 2019
Chocomotions Absolute Power D2/D2 0/0 Lungentumor P4 u.l. WeT, APD A, APD F verstorben 2022
Chocomotions All Good Things A2/A2 0/0 Vollzahnig WeT
Chocomotions Always On My Mind D1/D2 0/0 P 4 u.r. WeT
Chocomotions And So It Goes D1/A2 0/0 P4 u.r.&u.l. WeT Schulhund
Chocomotions Another Happy Day A2/A2 0/0 Vollzahnig WeT
Chocomotions As Good As It Gets B1/B1 0/0 P4 u.r.&u.l. WeT
Chocomotions At Any Price A2/D1 0/0 WeT verstorben 2024
Chocomotions Amazing Grace A2/A2 0/0 P4 u.r.&u.l. WeT
Chocomotions As You Like It C1/B1 0/0 P3 u.r.&u.l. P4 u.r. WeT


Ch. Graine de Beaute Choc des Hauts d’Alsace & Ch. Mementos Mario


HD ED Diagnosen Zahnstatus Prüfungen Sonstiges
Chocomotions Braveheart A1/A2 0/0 P4 u.l. WeT
Chocomotions Be Cool B1/B1 0/0 P1 u.l.&u.r. P4 u.l.&u.r. WeT
Chocomotions Bodyguard A1/A2 0/0 WeT
Chocomotions Born To Be Wild WeT
Chocomotions Burn After Reading B1/B1 0/0 P4 u.l. WeT
Chocomotions Beautyful Things A1/A1 0/0 Gaumenspalte Vorbiss, P4 u.r. WeT verstorben 2023
Chocomotions Because I said So B2/B2 0/0 P4 u.l.&u.r. WeT
Chocomotions Before Midnight A1/A1 0/0 P3 u.l. P4 u.r.&u.l. WeT
Chocomotions Breakfast At Tiffany’s C1/C1 II/II P3 o.l.&o.r. WeT
Chocomotions Breakin‘ All The Rules A2/A2 0/0


Bessamine Fly me to the moon & Play Mor Worth Waiting For


HD ED Diagnosen Zahnstatus Prüfungen Sonstiges
Chocomotions Calamity Jane A2/B1 0/0
Chocomotions Citizen Kane A2/A2 0/0 Vollzahnig
Chocomotions Climbing the Matterhorn B2/C2 0/0 Vollzahnig
Chocomotions Come And Get It C1/C1 0/0 P3 u.l. WeT Zuchtzulassung
Chocomotions Crazy Heart C2/D1 0/0 Kieferbruch
Chocomotions Cover Girl C1/B2 0/0 Vollzahnig WeT Therapiehündin – F-Wurf Chocomotions
Chocomotions Cocoon B1/B1 0/0 P3 o.r. P4 u.l.&u.r.


Irislav Costa Rica & Ch. Afinmore Alain

*26.05.2019 HD ED Diagnosen Zahnstatus Prüfungen Sonstiges
Chocomotions Dick Tracy A1/A1 0/0 Vollzahnig Schulhund
Chocomotions Dances With Wolves B1/B1 0/0 Hitzschlag Vollzahnig WeT verstorben 2024
Chocomotions Doctor Zhivago B1/A2 0/0 Vollzahnig
Chocomotions Dog Day Afternoon A2/A2 0/0 Vollzahnig
Chocomotions Days of Wine And Roses C1/C1 0/0 Vollzahnig
Chocomotions Dear Diary verstorben 2023
Chocomotions Designing Woman A1/A1 0/0 Vollzahnig
Chocomotions Driving Miss Daisy A1/A1 0/0 Vollzahnig WeT H-Wurf Chocomotions
Chocomotions Dreamgirls A2/A2 0/0 Vollzahnig


Irislav Costa Rica & Ch. Windleaf Disco


HD ED Diagnosen Zahnstatus Prüfungen Sonstiges
Chocomotions Easy Rider A2/A2 0/0 Kulisse – Vollzahnig
Chocomotions Ed Wood B2/B2 0/0 I2 o.r.
Chocomotions Escape To Life B1/B1 0/0 Gaumenspalte Vollzahnig
Chocomotions Every Child B1/C2 0/0 Vollzahnig
Chocomotions East Of Eden B2/B1 II/0 P3 o.r.&o.l. P4 u.l.&u.r.
Chocomotions Electric Girl
Chocomotions Endless Love A2/B1 0/0 P3 o.r.


Chocomotions Cover Girl & Ch. Labry Berry Name of Winner

18.01.2023 HD ED Diagnosen Zahnstatus Prüfungen Sonstiges
Chocomotions Fantastic Voyage
Chocomotions Finding Nemo A2/A1 0/0
Chocomotions Flowers and trees B2/C1 0/0
Chocomotions For Scentimental reasons
Chocomotions From here to eternity


Irislav Costa Rica & Riverlab's Cardamon

02.11.2023 HD ED Diagnosen Zahnstatus Prüfungen Sonstiges
Chocomotions Gentleman’s agreement
Chocomotions Great expectations
Chocomotions Going my way Rückbiss im Milchgebiss
Chocomotions Gone with the wind


Chocomotions Driving Miss Daisy & Nino Sun in their eyes

27.03.2024 HD ED Diagnosen Zahnstatus Prüfungen Sonstiges
Chocomotions Happy feet
Chocomotions Heavenly music
Chocomotions He makes me feel like dancin‘
Chocomotions High noon
Chocomotions Holiday Inn
Chocomotions How to sleep
Chocomotions Hearts and minds
Chocomotions Heaven can wait

HD/ED Auswertquote
